Sunday, September 9, 2012

Health Habits - First Goals

Hey there!

I'm kicking off my blog with a series of posts about making health goals. I'm trying to take this slow with small steps and set a couple of steps for every 2 weeks during this college year (and beyond!?). We're starting school this week, so this is when the goals start! I'll try to be detailed with my goals so that anyone who wants to copy them or even join me will be able to! Please let me know in the comments what you think as well!

First 2 weeks: 2 easy goals.

Goal 1: Drink more water!!!

So, for this first goal, I am turning myself into a CAMEL! Okay, not exactly; but you know what I mean! I keep hearing everywhere about how important drinking more water is, so I figure this will be a great first step to being healthier! What I've done is gone out to buy one of those real water bottles (to me that's the large ones that you don't throw away) and I'm only drinking water out of that now. I have to drink at least 2 full bottles a day plus anything extra like my milk or V8. So far: so good!

Side note: I'm currently trying out the V8 fusion smoothies which are GREAT! I definitely recommend them!

Goal 2: Vitamins

Basically, the other thing that will help me to start feeling better immediately will be to make sure I'm taking my daily vitamins. I do try to eat a variety of food and be fairly healthy there, but I want to be SURE that I'm not missing out on anything important. My way of trying to 'make sure I'm covered' is the One A Day Women's vitamins. I love that you only take them once. I have takes these before and I know how they are really hard to take at first so here are my tips:

1- Only take them after a meal. On an empty stomach, these things definitely can make you nauseous!
2- Don't drink too much water right before/after. These things aren't pleasant when you have that sloshy stomach feeling.
3- Take them at a time of day when you're feeling energetic. I find that after dinner works best for me because I have more food in my system and I'm not sleepy. If your body is feeling strong, it will be able to handle the onslaught of all those vitamins at once and take it in stride.

And that's it for the first 2 weeks! It's that simple. The trick is forming the habit, so if it feels easy then you have no excuse but to SUCCEED! I'll let you all know how I do and I hope someone will try this out for themselves too. I'm ready for making changes :)



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